
Beam doubles Bunbury operating area

Beam doubles Bunbury operating area
  • Beam’s geofence expansion will enable travel to and from East Bunbury, South Bunbury, Pelican Point and Bunbury train station 

[7 July 2022] Leading micromobility company Beam will bring its popular e-scooters to more areas of Bunbury, supporting increasing commuter and leisure rides. 

From this week, Beam will double its geofence size in Bunbury, making their industry-leading purple e-scooters available for use between East Bunbury, South Bunbury, Bunbury train station and out to Pelican Point. 16 new parking spots will be created to support the expanded area. 

With the expansion of Beam’s operations, an increased number of residents can also now take advantage of Beam’s e-scooters, with data showing increasingly longer rides as Bunbury residents get more familiar with the new mode of transport.

Beam’s latest rider data from Bunbury shows that riders anticipate an increased reliance on shared micromobility in the coming months, with over 118,000 kilometres travelled to date by Bunbury riders and each vehicle used on average 3 times per day. 

Beam’s Bunbury Lead Stuart O’Callaghan, said:

“We anticipate a particular increase in commuter riders with this new expansion, particularly with the inclusion of Bunbury train station within our expanded operations.
“As we continue to offer shared micromobility to more of Bunbury, our commitment is first and foremost to the safety of both the riding and non-riding community, and ensuring rider compliance with the state legislation.
“We have comprehensive in-app rider education, and incorporate safety features such as precision geofencing, vehicle tracking, triple brakes and bluetooth-locked helmets.”

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