
Beam launches educational campaign ahead of incoming e-scooter regulatory changes

Beam launches educational campaign ahead of incoming e-scooter regulatory changes

[24 October 2022] Beam has launched a rider education campaign ahead of Queensland’s new e-rideables legislation being introduced next week.

The ‘Ride Kind’ campaign, featuring local Queenslanders explaining the riding rules, aims to ensure all riders understand their responsibilities when riding and parking a shared e-scooter, and the penalties for non-compliance.

Whilst rider education of the new rules is at the forefront, Beam’s e-scooter operations do not rely solely on rider responsibility and police compliance, with Beam investing heavily in shared e-scooter technology for additional oversight over rider use.

For example, Beam restricts where our vehicles can operate, via ‘geofencing’ technology, which allows us to designate specific operating areas, low-speed and no parking areas.

Beam’s e-scooters are speed restricted, have 24-hour GPS tracking and include a helmet with every vehicle, with technology to detect if the helmet has been used with a trip and issue warnings to riders who are breaking the rules.

A three strikes policy ensures those breaking the rules face warnings, suspensions, or permanent bans when caught breaking the law.

Beam General Manager (Australia and New Zealand) Tom Cooper says,

“We welcome the new legislation, which opens up e-scooter use in more bike lanes and bike paths, enabling greater adoption of e-scooters for regular use.
“Almost 60% of Beam riders in a recent survey called for additional infrastructure for active transport such as e-scooters, and the ability to utilise protected bikeways and dedicated bike lanes will aid in riders feeling more comfortable on e-scooters for longer journeys, encouraging modal shift.
“The added technology in shared e-scooters that differentiates Beams from privately owned e-scooters, ensures that we can regulate Beam e-scooter use under the new legislation.
“We know that the majority of riders do the right thing, but we’ll be working closely with the Queensland Police Service in all cities we operate to educate and enforce the riding rules.”

Cities’ riding and parking rules form part of Beam’s rider education and enforcement program, the Beam Safe Academy. Link here.

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