August 18, 2021
Leading micromobility company Beam wasselected in a competitive tender process and will commence operations atTownsville’s James Cook University this Friday, bringing a fleet of 100e-scooters onto campus.
This new fleet is in addition to the existing Beam e-scooters operatingwithin the Townsville region.
Beam’s service will feature affordablepay-as-you-go rates and subscriptions for regular users.
The Beam offering will also include:
- Beam Safe Academy: The Beam Safe Academy is Australia's first fully fledgedsafety program that incorporates an interactive safety quiz and a launchbriefing guide for new users. Riders are encouraged to complete the in-appsafety quiz to receive 5 minutes of freeride time. Every ride willbe covered by Beam’s personal accident insurance.
- Virtual docking: Beam will utilise technology and GPS to directriders to appropriate parking spots through a combination of guidance,incentives, and disincentives.
To be attributed to Beam GeneralManager (ANZ) Tom Cooper:
“We are excited to be partnering with James Cook University to bringe-mobility to campus life.
“The Townsville community have embraced micromobility since the firstBeam e-scooters landed in the region, and we look forward to providing evenmore residents and visitors with a safe, affordable and fun method oftransportation.
“E-scooters have proven to be popular amongst students in the othercities we operate in, and we are confident their introduction to the JCU campuswill add to a vibrant campus community.”
To be attributed to James CookUniversity Director, Estate, Hilary Kavanagh:
“E-scooters have proven very popular inTownsville, we believe that they will be a great way for students, staff andvisitors to get out and about to enjoy campus life at JCU.”